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Portfolio: E-commerce

Power Shift 2011 Conference

We are Powershift.org

The Power Shift conference helps to increase awareness and action on climate change issues among college students.

The 2011 Power Shift conference site was built on the Conference Organizing Distribution (COD). GVS enhanced the checkout functionality to allow one member from an organization to purchase a coupon code that can be redeemed for conference registration by other organization members.

Client industry: Conference/event

Harvard Magazine

Harvard Magazine home page

Harvard Magazine needed an ecommerce solution for selling text advertisements that vary in price according to the content of the text. GVS built an Ubercart payment gateway to support the CyberSource Hosted Order Page API, allowing Harvard to process payments offsite. GVS contributed the payment gateway back to the Ubercart core project, as well as enhancements to the UC_Node_Checkout module that was used to sell the customized advertisements.

Client industry: Education · Publishing

Fusion Drupal Themes by TopNotchThemes

GVS partnered with TopNotchThemes team (a support client) and 3281d Consulting to build TNT's flagship e-commerce site, FusionDrupalThemes.com.

Client industry: Start Up · Technology

AUSSIE (Australian United States Services in Education)

AUSSIE provides professional development workshops to over 400 schools, and wanted to collect attendee information and fees on their Drupal site without relying on the external Eventbrite service. GVS integrated Ubercart, Drupal's cornerstone E-commerce system, with Signup, the premiere Events registration module. The resulting UC_Signup module, makes it easy for attendees to register for events and pay registration fees.

Client industry: Education

Top Notch Themes

Many support clients are end users of Drupal - they need help with the menu system, and knowing what the heck nodes are. As the creators of some of the best commercial Drupal themes (and some great free themes as well), TopNotchThemes needs more than basic Drupal support.

Type of work: E-commerce · Support
Client industry: Technology · Small Business


For Lollishops, we were able to build a novel, generic per user content type quota system. Each user can purchase credits towards their quota, which allows them to submit new content.

Client industry: Start Up