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Portfolio: Support

DrupalCon Chicago 2011 Site

Logo for Drupalcon Chicago

Attendance numbers at DrupalCon conferences have dramatically increased over the past several years, so the non-profit Drupal Association decided to invest in the Conference Organizing Distribution (COD) as a standardized platform for building DrupalCon sites. The Drupal Association hired GVS to add several new features to COD, and support the local DrupalCon Chicago site-building team, staffed by Palantir.net.

Fusion Drupal Themes by TopNotchThemes

GVS partnered with TopNotchThemes team (a support client) and 3281d Consulting to build TNT's flagship e-commerce site, FusionDrupalThemes.com.

Client industry: Start Up · Technology

AUSSIE (Australian United States Services in Education)

AUSSIE provides professional development workshops to over 400 schools, and wanted to collect attendee information and fees on their Drupal site without relying on the external Eventbrite service. GVS integrated Ubercart, Drupal's cornerstone E-commerce system, with Signup, the premiere Events registration module. The resulting UC_Signup module, makes it easy for attendees to register for events and pay registration fees.

Client industry: Education

Top Notch Themes

Many support clients are end users of Drupal - they need help with the menu system, and knowing what the heck nodes are. As the creators of some of the best commercial Drupal themes (and some great free themes as well), TopNotchThemes needs more than basic Drupal support.

Type of work: E-commerce · Support
Client industry: Technology · Small Business

Arapahoe Community College

Arapahoe Community College needed a more flexible and scalable system to manage the content on their growing website which had over 3,000 pages and attachments. They needed a flexible partner who could help their internal web team learn Drupal at the same time as building out specific parts of the site. GVS provided a variety of services over the course of the project.

Type of work: Site Architecture · Training · Theming · Support
Client industry: Education

Pikes Peak Library District

In 2008, Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) formed a team to completely replace its existing site with an ambitious Drupal-based implementation. The site is served in-house by PPLD and receives over one million visits per year. PPLD brought in Growing Venture solutions to provide high-level Drupal support and training.

Type of work: Training · Support
Client industry: Library

San Jose Public Library

The San Jose Library manages a variety of websites for San José Public Libraries and San José State University Library. After evaluating several systems, the web team decided to use Drupal for their projects and began working to learn to use Drupal. In order to speed their trip up the Drupal learning curve, they decided to engage Growing Venture Solutions for training.

Type of work: Training · Support
Client industry: Library

M Squared Group

The M Squared Group came to us for help with supporting their freshly built site. Much of our engagement has involved educating the M Squared team about the ability of Drupal to empower them to make their own enhancements.

Type of work: Support
Client industry: Small Business