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Portfolio: Training

Arapahoe Community College

Arapahoe Community College needed a more flexible and scalable system to manage the content on their growing website which had over 3,000 pages and attachments. They needed a flexible partner who could help their internal web team learn Drupal at the same time as building out specific parts of the site. GVS provided a variety of services over the course of the project.

Type of work: Site Architecture · Training · Theming · Support
Client industry: Education

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

GVS designed a knowledge management system to reduce work for administrators and improve access to guidelines, processes and procedures at the University Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder.

Pikes Peak Library District

In 2008, Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) formed a team to completely replace its existing site with an ambitious Drupal-based implementation. The site is served in-house by PPLD and receives over one million visits per year. PPLD brought in Growing Venture solutions to provide high-level Drupal support and training.

Type of work: Training · Support
Client industry: Library

San Jose Public Library

The San Jose Library manages a variety of websites for San José Public Libraries and San José State University Library. After evaluating several systems, the web team decided to use Drupal for their projects and began working to learn to use Drupal. In order to speed their trip up the Drupal learning curve, they decided to engage Growing Venture Solutions for training.

Type of work: Training · Support
Client industry: Library