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Power Shift 2011 Conference

Powershift home page

The Power Shift conference helps to increase awareness and action on climate change issues among college students.

The 2011 Power Shift conference site was built on the Conference Organizing Distribution (COD). GVS enhanced the checkout functionality to allow one member from an organization to purchase a coupon code that can be redeemed for conference registration by other organization members.

GVS also developed a customized conference registration workflow that reduces the number of fields on the user registration form, while making sure mandatory conference information fields (like emergency contact information) are filled out during conference registration. These customizations to the registration workflow powered over 10,000 conference registrations.

Advomatic brought on GVS to develop the registration components, and the site has resulted in ongoing code contributions back to COD through enhancements to the uc_signup module, including a registration process that is more customizable through configuration, as well as enhancements to the uc_coupon module.

Client industry: Conference/event