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Twomile Information Services

Among their services, Twomile Information Services provides a web service which translates addresses to Latitude/Longitude data. In order to use this service with the Drupal content management system, there needed to be a way to store address data and also the Latitude/Longitude data. There are several means to store addresses, but at the time this work was undertaken there was no simple project for Latitude/Longitude. So, the project involved two steps:

  1. Creation of a simple CCK Latitude/Longitude module
  2. Creation of a second module to tie together the CCK Address module, the new CCK Lat/Lon module, and the Twomile address lookup XMLRPC based web service.

The modules have been completed and the service module is currently only in use by beta testers of the service. When the service is more broadly available the module will be published for general use.

Type of work: Module Development
Client industry: Small Business · Technology