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Ezra's picture

GVS DrupalCon Chicago Session Slides and Videos

Below you'll find a list of sessions by GVS folks as well as links to slides when the presentations are complete.

We'd love to get your feedback through the official DrupalCon Chicago session evaluation form linked from each session, as well as on Twitter!

Introduction to Module Development
Presented by Ezra
Session slides
Example code .tar.gz | .zip

Drupal Security for Coders
Presented by Greg
Session slides

Community benefits of the Drupal.org redesign
Presented by Lisa with Neil Drumm, Kieran Lal & Chris Strahl.

Certifications and Drupal: Three strategies
Presented by Greg with Aaron Winborn and Jeff Robbins
Session slides

Building Conference & Event Websites in Drupal with COD
Presented by Ezra, Ben & Lisa

lisa's picture

DrupalCon Copenhagen wrapup and recovery

This year's European Drupal conference has sadly come and gone. Ezra Gildesgame, Ben Jeavons, Lisa Rex and Carl Weidemann were in Copenhagen representing Growing Venture Solutions. Here are a few of our highlights. Links to the videos will be added when they are available.

Theme Preprocess Functions

Carl presented Theme Preprocess Functions: an Introduction, where he showed a packed room how to bring and flexibility into the hands of the themer. Preprocess functions are a key component of Drupal theming and when first learned, open up a whole new world of possibility. Carl received some positive feedback on the session and hopes to continue to give it at future conferences, adapting it to stay current with future versions of Drupal.

COD (Conference Organizing Distribution)

Ezra (our COD ringleader) and Ben co-presented Building Conference & Event Websites in Drupal with COD, with Lisa there to lend support. COD is a Drupal distrubution for building event websites.

Ben's picture

Some Trainings at DrupalCon SF selling out - and GVS Proposed Sessions

DrupalCons are great for learning new things and the conference in San Francisco this April will be no different. What will be different is that this year there are formalized training sessions happening the day before the conference really starts. If you want to get a more structured day of training before the somewhat unpredictable sessions start, you can.

Training sessions from GVS: Security and Site Building

The team at GVS is teaching two training courses and offering a handful of sessions. Our security training course was just increased to hold more participants and our course on site building is also looking to fill up. If you're interested in either please sign up soon!

GVS Proposed Sessions for Drupalcon

Session voting just started and we've proposed a variety of sessions, including training, module maintenance, using theme preprocess functions, and site-building. Here's the full list:

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GVS is now part of Acquia.

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Contact Acquia if you are interested in a Drupal Support or help with any products GVS offered such as the Conference Organizing Distribution (COD).

We Wrote the Book On Drupal Security:

Cracking Drupal Book Cover