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Preparing a Drupal site for efficient support

We can support your Drupal site, but first let’s make it right

When we first offered formal Drupal Support services we expected clients would know their site fairly well and need help with advanced administration and/or doing “new” things. In practice, we’ve quickly learned an important lesson about the diversity of Drupal site owners. Some are virtuosos, and need our help with very complex issues. Some have an existing site with major deficiencies, perhaps built by a vendor who is no longer in the picture. Some need some tutoring in Drupal basics, or even the concepts of dynamic websites.

So we have learned to sort out from the start whether clients will need a more intensive initial phase that includes a site review, an assessment of how well administrators and users understand their Drupal site, and quite possibly a detailed site tune-up. Here is how the technical side went with one client …

Support - Drupal Theme Professionals TopNotchThemes

Not Your Typical Drupal Support Client

Many support clients are end users of Drupal - they need help with the menu system, and knowing what the heck nodes are.

As the creators of some of the best commercial Drupal themes (and some great free themes as well), TopNotchThemes needs more than basic Drupal support. We've helped them improve their development infrastructure and workflow to make the process of developing great Drupal themes more efficient, and to also enable some upcoming internal and client-facing features. This let's them focus on building great designs for their themes.

Chris Fassnacht was kind enough to say this about working with us:

"GVS has been a valuable addition to our team. It's a relief to have a team of experts we can rely on to keep our Drupal-based infrastructure running smoothly!"

At Drupalcon Steph thanked us with a hug. What more can you ask for from a client?

TopNotchThemes Supports the Drupal Theme Community

In addition to being providers of great themes and a good customer they are also a company that "gets it." Their community involvement speaks for itself (one highlight is this Ubercart theming thread). They are happy to pay for our time knowing that we are working to keep the modules used on their sites well maintained (see Alternative Price and Moneris).

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GVS is now part of Acquia.

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Contact Acquia if you are interested in a Drupal Support or help with any products GVS offered such as the Conference Organizing Distribution (COD).

We Wrote the Book On Drupal Security:

Cracking Drupal Book Cover