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Presentations Past, Presentations Future: Drupal FTW

Greg's picture

I've got presentations and Drupal socializing on the brain.

Last week I gave a presentation to the Western Region Alliance for Community Media. I provided my standard Introduction to Drupal presentation and collaborated with Brian Hiatt (of CivicPixel) and Ann Theis (of Deproduction) who provided the perspective of using Drupal as a tool to help run a Public/Educational/Governmental television station (PEG). Brian has a lot more insight into the importance of the conference to Drupal and of Drupal to PEG. One comment he had is:

There are soo many different PEG technology/open source projects being developed at the moment, but very few (if any) that are being deployed at more than a handful of stations. There is a lot of curiosity tempered with fear over these solutions as they stand now.

That sounds pretty familiar. It's the classic adoption process and I think that the Denver Open Media folks are doing a lot of great stuff to help promote a sound station philosophy based in Open Source.

Eclipse and OpenID At Denver Drupal User's Group

Tonight was the Denver Drupal User Group meeting where we had a solid presentation from Michael Graves of JanRain. Al Steffen of pingVision got us all up to speed using Eclipse to increase our productivity.

DrupalCon DC 2009 - Token, Security, BOFs, oh my!

Looking a bit farther into the future I'm excited about DrupalCon in Washington D.C. in March. If folks vote for it I'll be talking about Token module in Token: The Little API That Could. There's a good chance that Token module and possibly Pathauto will be a part of core for Drupal 7 - if you want to know how to leverage Token or are interested in discussion to push it into core then that session will be a great place for you.

Two other presentations I'll be participating in at DrupalCon are Security for Developers and Introduction to Drupal Security. In contrast to previous years where it was all together, we broke these presentations apart into two, shorter presentations so that they can be more focused on a single topic.

Of course the Birds of a Feather sessions are always a great time. As you decide which sessions to attend be sure to include the BoFs in your list of events to consider.


Looking forward to seeing you

Looking forward to seeing you at DrupalCon Greg. It would be cool to see any of the tips and content related to Eclipse. Having been a TextMate user on Mac and doing my debugging with Komodo, I always like to see how other people accomplish things better.

Eclipse presentation

Eclipse presentation notes/slides please!

Al said that he was going to

Al said that he was going to post something. I guess watch his blog/the pingV blog for details.

GVS projects

CertifiedToRock.com was created to allow community members and employers to get a sense of someone's involvement with the Drupal project.

GVS is now part of Acquia.

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Contact Acquia if you are interested in a Drupal Support or help with any products GVS offered such as the Conference Organizing Distribution (COD).

We Wrote the Book On Drupal Security:

Cracking Drupal Book Cover