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Introduction to Drupal 6.x Classes - Starting September 27th from 9:00AM to Noon

Greg's picture

This course is made up of four sessions every Saturday morning for a month. Start the month as a newbie, end it a Drupal rock star. The sessions will cover Drupal 6.x, though most of the content is applicable for 5.x or 6.x.

_EDIT: Class is over...the next class will be in January.

Where: 1045 Acoma Street, Denver, CO 80204
When: 4 Saturdays from 9AM to Noon starting September 27th.
What to bring: Yourself and your laptop. If you don't have a laptop, let me know when you register and a computer can be provided.

  • Per class - earlybirds pay $45 if you sign up by September 23rd. $60/day for all
    registrations after that.
  • Get all four classes discounted to $150 (save $30 over earlybird price and $90 over the normal price)

How do I sign up? Complete a signup request form.
How many people? To ensure a high quality class, each class is limited to 8 people. I expect that every class will be full, so if you are interested you should sign up now. I will update this page as people sign up.

Sep. 27th: "Introduction to Drupal" - (hint: It's not pronounced droo-PAWL)

  • Covers installation, commonly used jargon and design patterns, and common “gotchas”
  • Content creation, editing, and moderation
  • How to successfully interact with the Drupal community (finding modules, getting your bugs fixed)

Oct. 4th: Turn Your Site Up to 11 - the most popular core and contributed modules in Drupal

Oct. 11th: More Than Just Lipstick On A Pig - Panels and Theming

  • Using the Panels+Views modules to build powerful landing pages
  • Using the powerful PHPTemplate theming engine to alter any and all HTML on a site

Oct. 18th: Needs More Cowbell - Drupal for Developers and Sysadmins

  • Security for Developers and Sysadmins
  • Module development and the Drupal API
  • Performance and scalability best practices

The classes build on each other, but if you feel that you already know the prerequisites and only need one class you can come for just that class.

Photo credits: Goes to 11 LOLCATbell


Drupal 5 or 6? Hey Greg, will

Drupal 5 or 6?

Hey Greg, will you be teaching in a 5 or 6 context? Why only eight people? Do you feel that's an optimum size, or is that all the room allows?

This will be Drupal 6 - I've

This will be Drupal 6 - I've updated the post.

The limit at 8 people is both a matter of being comfortable in the space and also because I believe that if the class went beyond that limit it would lose value for students. I have planned out each hour of the class to include about 45 minutes worth of presentation time and 15 minutes worth of questions. If someone has a question about how to do something specific we will cover that as part of the class where possible, so it's really tailored to the group in the room. If we had more than 8 people then I think the class would lose some of that benefit.

Thanks for the questions.

This sounds like a great

This sounds like a great class. Unfortunately I just found out about it today. Can you add me to your list and let me know if it runs again?

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