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Hive Live Podcast Transcript - Social Publishing for the Enterprise

Greg's picture

This is a pseudo transcript I took of the Hivelive podcast from ColoradoStartups.com. When I read about HiveLive I was really curious because they are basically a hosted provider of a "social publishing platform" and it just so happens that I'm a developer who uses an Open Source "social publishing platform".

John Kembel's history:

  • design consulting firm (like ideo)
  • dodots - thin client browser/widgets before Dashboard was cool
  • hivelive: "enterprise social software"
    • tap into power of social networks
    • marketing communication vehicles
    • amplify lead generation, insights, support
    • flexible, cost effective, on demand, platform

2006 Founded Hivelive

  • Existing solutions are social software packages (blogs, wikis, forums)
  • They were either overly generic or inflexible
  • They didn't allow sharing
  • HiveLive is a unified platform - permissions and content richness "not just blogs/wikis/forums" for sharing

Existing Solutions vs. HiveLive

  • One common approach is to stitch together lots of technologies
  • People take a blogging platform, a separate wiki, a separate forum, social networking and try to build build unified package
  • The results are not good
  • So, don't staple together a bunch of solutions
  • HiveLive: Start with social networking, add on "hives" to share information

Why is social networking important to businesses?

  • humans are social
  • communities where socialization is part, but rather than being the focus, the business is the focus
  • tie business to customers - delivers lead generation, loyalty, insights, support all in one trust based relationship

HiveLive Competitors?

  • Hivelive is different in that they use building block rather than integrating point solutions
  • Configuration is via "clicking not coding"
  • Note: he basically dodged the question by not naming any competitors - in fact there are hundreds if not thousands

What about hosting?

  • It's completely on-demand

HiveLive's VC Funding:

  • Gruntech - east coast VC
  • The money is used for sales/marketing (launched at defrag)
  • Will also continue R&D in software

Who are the target users:

  • High tech - shared knowledge or practice around technology
  • Consumer brands with "depth" [i.e. Patagonia] where customers share values with company

The value proposition isn't all that strong, in my opinion. I think he ignores "social publishing" platforms like Drupal which not only enable a very similar feature set but do so in a way where you can have it hosted, or host it yourself, but most importantly there is no vendor lock-in and your data is always yours. I'd love to be able to see more about how the hives actually work, but the demos are kind of hard to get into.

In a review from November 2007 Anne Zelenka of GigaOm points out:

HiveLive claims to be “the first community platform to seamlessly integrate social networks with information networks” but they’ll compete in that space not only with Jive’s ClearSpace but also with Drupal, Ning, and even Microsoft (MSFT) Sharepoint. But Drupal requires coding for customization, Ning doesn’t offer the fine-grained permissions that HiveLive has, and Sharepoint will be mostly of interest to those with Microsoft-based infrastructures.

I'm not so sure about the "Drupal requires coding for customization part". Perhaps now that the GigaOm folks are using Drupal for OStatic they'll get more experience with it to know just how much you can do with so very little coding.


Money making



If you are scared of making big money online, if you are worried about how you could suddenly become rich, if you will be ashamed to let people know, how? You became rich online from what, I am about to share with you, if you are comfortable with your financial status quo, then, DONT! Read further?

Reading this, you can change your lifestyle! It turned mine around, and I am here to share the success story with you.
In fact, the same system that made $15 during the first, $1502 in the second week, and $5,543 in 20 days is available to you for FREE!

I came across this system in one forum, and decided to give it a try. Surfing the net, I found an article, which says, one could make thousands of dollars in a fortnight investing as little as $4 Well, I thought that must be one more attraction for dimwits, but still I read it up to the end, to know, what sort of Holy Grail, I was supposed to spend my money on.
After 2 weeks, my cheeks started beeping with smiles and satisfaction, when dollars, started pouring into my liberty-reserve account.

The Things You Will Need:
* Liberty-reserve Account; open one if you don’t have. It is free to open. Just follow this link to open a new account: www.libertyreserve.com

*Honesty and
* Ability to follow these instructions exactly.

How It Works:
People were to send $2 to each of the liberty-reserve accounts listed below. After sending the payments to these accounts, remove the first account number from the list, thus clearing the second line.
You put the number of your own liberty-reserve account into this vacant 2nd line, and send/post this text to like 100 different forums, (see a list of forum websites below). No tricks
I hesitated a bit and understood I am risking a measly $4 and decided to give it a try. Just guess, what happened in the next 7 days, after I tried it? Money started to arrive honestly, I was shocked! And thought, maybe, this opportunity would stop soon. But it didn’t!
I made $15 during my first week of trying it,
$1,502 by the end of the second week,
Over $5, 543 in 20 days!!!
Now, after 4 weeks, I have had about $5,700 and the sums grew quickly, and that was all at a cost of just $4!!! My financial position was poor till I stumbled upon this article. I couldn’t believe it works, until I started receiving money order, from all over the world I bought everything I needed, and it was quite fortunate, wasn’t it?
And now, I would like to tell YOU, that this same system that raked in this amount for me, is available to YOU for FREE!
I promise you that if you follow all the instructions given below, you will start earning much more money, you could ever expect without much effort. Please, read this twice! Follow the instructions, and you will start receiving downpour of $$$$. That’s very simple! It is legal. And you will have to invest a measly/mere $4IMPORTANT: it is not a fraud, it is not illegal.
Oprah Winfrey developed this system in 2006; it was tried, tested, and worked for all who tried it out! And you risk practically nothing, and it still works!!!

Follow these instructions EXACTLY the way, it is written, and over $30,000 will be yours in the next 20 to 30 days. This system works very well, thanks to the honesty of the participants.
So, these are the 3 simple steps to your success:
1. If you haven’t got the $4 in your liberty-reserve account yet, you have to create or open your free liberty account at liberty-reserve. Open an account through this link:. Get acquainted with this system, see how www.libertyreserve.com. it works and choose the variant that suits you, and then, fund your liberty-reserve account with a minimum of $5.
2. Transfer $2 to each of the 2 liberty-reserve account numbers below:
3. Now erase the first account from the list, after sending money to it. Thus, the list will go higher (Number 2 will become number 1, etc.). And then, put the number of your liberty-reserve account number into line 2. Like this:
U??????? (Insert your liberty-reserve account number here)
4. Make all the necessary changes, but try to preserve the main idea in this article. Put/Post this article to at least 10 forums and News Groups (See a list below). Remember, the more forums you send this article to, the higher will be your income, and your income depends on you directly. So, follow every word, and you will start seeing the effects.

This business goes on and thrives. Thanks to the honesty of the participants. So, by the time you reach the first position in the list, you will have thousands of dollars in your liberty-reserve account! WORD!
Remember, this only cost you a mere $4, and simple work!!! Do it now! Don’t put it off till tomorrow!!! Because, you might not come back to it again. Time is money!!!


  1. The first thing to do, is to highlight and SAVE this entire article in your ms word document or notepad on your computer, or just print it out, so you can come back to it later.
  2. Read through the program very well, so that you can understand the way, the system works. In my own explanation, this is a liberty-reserve system that yields the members money, through compounding process.
  3. If you already have a liberty-reserve account, proceed to the next step. If you don’t have, then, go to liberty-reserve: (www.libertyreserve.com) and register for free. To fund your liberty-reserve account or change your liberty-reserve money to physical cash, you have to go to an exchanger.

Liberty-Reserve exchangers are available in most countries of the world. You can find exchangers in your country through GOOGLE SEARCH. When searching with Google, type Liberty reserve exchangers in your country name e.g., Liberty reserve exchangers in U.S, Canada, South Africa etc.

YEAH!!! I believe, I have done something to HELP YOU to gain a QUICK access to the secrets of making money online, that the gurus have being hiding from you and me, that makes them unbelievable NON-STOPABLE down pouring of money into their accounts daily, weekly, and monthly for years now!
This secret, has being hidden from you, so that, you will continue to work, work and work until, you maybe give up but, let me tell you something, these people have hidden the simple truth of making HUGE sums of money, with a measly $4 from you; believing, if you know about this secret, you would maybe become richer than THEM.
But, I tell you today, as you read this article, get straight with every word, and soon, you will know the crazy effect of this little secret, that has been locked and keys thrown away, is now in your HANDS!

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