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Get a Druplicon Hat: CertifiedToRock score of 6 and tweet about it

Greg's picture

We've got a few exciting announcements here at Drupalcon. Two of those are related to a new site we launched yesterday, CertifiedToRock.com.

Woven Druplicon Hats

We got some beautiful hand-made, wool Druplicon hats from Peru with the help of my good friend Fernando Garcia (develcuy) and the artisans that his lovely wife Nancy works with. Now we're ready to give these hats away - for free - but of course there's a catch ;)

Webchick and Vauxia in Druplicon hats

Certification for Drupal with CertifiedToRock.com

We've built a super simple (and yet, we think, still valid) certification for Drupal users based on their involvement with the Drupal project. It's located at CertifiedtoRock.com where you can enter a drupal.org username and see the corresponding certification level of that individual. Learn more about CertifiedToRock.

certified to rock screenshot for webchick

If you want a hat, tweet a link to your score with @certifiedtorock and we'll hook you up if your score is 6 or higher. After noon on Wednesday we'll be giving out hats to anyone with a score of 5 or higher.


If chx gets a '5', I'm not

If chx gets a '5', I'm not sure how good the certification is...

hello, guest

Well, it's certainly true that some folks who are used to being in the top 20 when the only metric was patches to core will be disappointed now that there are other metrics involved in the equation...and it's certainly true that this particular case seems to be skewed a little low, but.

I think the most important misconception here is about "what it means to be a 5" - see my explanation of bin sizes on certified to rock. Being a 5 is actually really darn good.

Why does this one go to 11?

What's the point of going to 11 if only a handful of people on the planet are above 5?

You state: "...contribution history is opaque to most people outside of the Drupal world. This site tries to distill that complex history down to a simple number that anyone can understand."

Uneducated users are going to think that a 5 is average, and chx and catch are decidedly well above average in their contributions, even if you look at more than patches. (Do you account for IRC activities?) So I don't think you're meeting your own goal. A number anyone can understand requires a reasonable bell curve.

If nothing else, you need to publish what percentage of rated users have each score.

Also, the design of your

Also, the design of your meter (red bar) suggests that only users with a 9+ are among the 'best'.

great points, matt

Those are great points, Matt.

It's the 1.0 release and we really appreciate all this feedback since it helps us know which users were too low. We didn't inspect them all and chx has been a consistent person mentioned as being too low. So, we know we've got to fix his score!

Your points are totally valid and we hope to fix many of them in our 1.1 release which will be coming in a few months.

Thanks for being willing to

Thanks for being willing to listen.

I'd hoped we wouldn't have to wait months for the distribution of scores to be published. I'm just looking for something like this, even it's static as of a certain date:

Score|# of Users
1 | x,xxx
2 | x,xxx
3 | x,xxx
4 | xxx
5 | xxx
6 | xx
7 | xx
8 | x
9 | x
10 | x
11 | x

I guess I could write a script to scrape your page for the value on every uid, but I'd hate to attack your server like that.

have it up this week

Definitely - we've calculated that and just not shared it yet.

We will have a graph like that up this week.

More than a week, but here it is...

Hahahahaha, drupal hats? The

Hahahahaha, drupal hats? The world is a better place now!

Trilastin SR

GVS projects

CertifiedToRock.com was created to allow community members and employers to get a sense of someone's involvement with the Drupal project.

GVS is now part of Acquia.

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Contact Acquia if you are interested in a Drupal Support or help with any products GVS offered such as the Conference Organizing Distribution (COD).

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