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Drupal 7 release parties and December sprints

GVS has had a busy December and great start to 2011!

NYC and Denver Drupal 7 release parties

The NYC Drupal 7 Launch Party, hosted by Growing Venture Solutions, Treehouse Agency, and ThinkDrop took place on January 7, 2011.

We were delighted at the turnout and enthusiasm for Drupal 7!

Crowd of attendees
Happy crowd!

Group photo of organizers and speakers
The speakers were Rob Purdie (Economist), Todd Ricker (New York Stock Exchange) and Thomas Turnbull (Zagat). The organizers were Lisa Rex, Claudina Sarahe, Ezra Gildesgame, Amy Cham and Ben Jeavons.

Photo of Dries on Skype
We did a video link up with the Boston party. Oh look, it's Dries Buytaert!

Photo of Greg Knaddison and Kevin Bridges on Skype
And then we did a video link up with the Denver and Austin parties. Everyone say hi to Greggles and Kevin Bridges!

Photo of Jacob
And Jacob Redding wore his Drupal suit and tie!

Photo of giving prizes away
We gave away raffle prizes from Lullabot, Packt Publishing and Mastering Drupal, and there was some additional sponsorship support from CivicActions and Bluestocking Collective.

The official photographer for the NYC Drupal 7 party was Matt Cham. Additional d7rp_nyc party photos are on Flickr.

GVS also co-hosted the Denver party, with Greg Knaddison in attendance. The next three photos are by Keith Stansell.

Danomanion, Andrea, Aaronnott, Greggles, Justin Christoffersen and friend
Dano Manion, Andrea, Aaron Nott, Greg Knaddison and Justin Christoffersen. I'm holding up a nice Certified to Rock sticker ;)

Matthew Saunders and Andy of Examiner.com
Andy Packard and Matthew Saunders from the team at Examiner.com.

Jyee making Drupal 7 and 7
Jason Yee making Drupal 7 and Seven.

GVS <3 sprints

GVS and Treehouse sponsored a D7CX code sprint at the offices of GVS neighbor HUGE in Brooklyn, NY.
Progress made at the sprint included working automated tests for the Nodequeue module, a stable Drupal 7 release of the Security review module, amongst other work.

Ezra, Vikram Yelanadu, Thomas Turnbull, Andrew Morton, Steven Merrill

Meanwhile, Lisa participated in the Drupal Docs sprint weekend in Vancouver where the core documentation team hashed out directions and problems the Docs team face (see issues tagged docsyvr2010 for things that were raised during the meeting). On Saturday, there was a Docs team sprint with special guests chx, dmitrig01, and webchick!

Docs team


Great work everyone!

Looks like fun :)

GVS projects

CertifiedToRock.com was created to allow community members and employers to get a sense of someone's involvement with the Drupal project.

GVS is now part of Acquia.

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Contact Acquia if you are interested in a Drupal Support or help with any products GVS offered such as the Conference Organizing Distribution (COD).

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