Growing Venture Solutions - GVS - knowledge en HOWTO: Read RSS Feeds from Drupal Taxonomy Terms <h3>Motivation</h3> <p>If you ask anybody that uses it, RSS feeds change the way that people get their news updates, monitor dynamic websites, stay up to date with a forum, and generally get information. Occasionally my wife asks me how I know all the things I know and I seriously credit spending an hour in the morning with my 50+ RSS feeds reading news. Whether it's the life and times of <a href="">Trae</a> or it's a feed that tracks <a href="">new Drupal modules</a> - RSS feeds are the major way that I get my regular dose of new information.</p> <p>The major problem with RSS feeds - along with many bleeding edge Web2.0 technologies - is that while the <a href="">53,651</a> may follow them, they aren't nearly as useful to "my mom". Well mom, this Movie's for you.</p> <h3>Background</h3> <p>In this movie I visit a site built with the <a href="">Drupal CMS</a> where different posts to the site get added into categories. These categories are available to everyone, but <strong>how do you know if there is new content?</strong> One way is to use the RSS feeds for each category. Using these feeds and a piece of software called a "feed reader" you can regularly check many websites for updated content. I use two different feed readers that are available to a very wide audience: the <a href="">Mozilla Firefox</a> browser and the <a href="">Google Feed Reader</a>.</p> <p><center></center></p> <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="622" CODEBASE=",0,0,0"> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="rss_feeds_gvs.swf" /> <PARAM NAME=play VALUE=true /> <PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false /> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=low /> <EMBED SRC="/gvsfiles/rss_feeds_gvs.swf" WIDTH=800 HEIGHT=622 quality=low loop=false TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""> </embed> </object><p></p> <p>If you need a website with similar capabilities, please <a href=""> contact Growing Venture Solutions</a></p> Planet Drupal knowledge Thu, 08 Jun 2006 03:27:51 +0000 Greg 76 at HOWTO: Drupal Event Module Calendars in Google Calendar <h3>Intro:</h3> <p>This screencast walks through the process of taken an established calendar and adding it to the Google Calendar. The Event Module in Drupal is designed to create <a href="">ICalendar feeds</a> that can be used to import a site's calendar into your personal calendar. This is a very simple and useful way to keep track of multiple calendars. You could also use it to keep track of your friends calendars.</p> <h3>Background Requirements</h3> <p>The screencast assumes that you already have a <a href="">Google Calendar Account</a> and that there is a Drupal Event Module Calendar that you want to subscribe to.</p> <h3>WWPNA Notes</h3> <p>For more information about the WWPNA project, you can <a href="/customers/wwpna-site-redevelopment">read the project overview.</a></p> <!--break--><!--break--> <h3>The Screencast</h3> <p><center></center></p> <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="620" CODEBASE=",0,0,0"> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="" /> <PARAM NAME=play VALUE=true /> <PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false /> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=low /> <EMBED SRC="" WIDTH=800 HEIGHT=620 quality=low loop=false TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""> </embed> </object><p></p> Planet Drupal knowledge Fri, 05 May 2006 11:29:29 +0000 Greg 66 at