Growing Venture Solutions - GVS - d7cx en April 4th D7CX Sprint: Upgrade contrib to Drupal 7 at GVS Office <p>The <a href="">D7CX</a> movement is based around the idea that while it's really important that we launch Drupal 7 by finishing off the <a href="[0]=156281&amp;status[0]=1&amp;status[1]=8&amp;status[2]=13&amp;status[3]=14&amp;priorities[0]=1&amp;categories[0]=bug&amp;categories[1]=task">critical issue queue</a> it's also enormously important that we have our many contributed modules ready to go the day that Drupal 7 is launched.</p> <p>Drupal core is an amazing piece of software, but Drupal core without the many wonders of contributed modules and themes is nowhere near as much fun.</p> <h3>GVS Hosts D7CX Sprint Day</h3> <p>So, April 4th we are hosting a D7CX Sprint Day <a href="">here at our office</a>. We will provide power strips, internet, coffee, camraderie. You should bring your laptop, and some skills in testing out and upgrading Drupal's contributed modules. The sprint will run from 9:30 AM until about 6:00PM - but you are welcome to show up for any part of that time.</p> <p>Some possible tasks:</p> <ul> <li>Rewriting documentation for Drupal 7</li> <li>Helping to write simpletests so that contributed modules can benefit from a test-driven-development cycle much like core has benefited from it</li> <li>Creating patches for the modules and themes to work with <a href="">the new api</a>.</li> </ul> <p>Folks will be available to help provide <strong>instruction in checking out code with cvs, rolling patches, and posting responses in the issue queue.</strong></p> <h3>Some people on hand with specific module experience</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Greggles</a> maintainer of <a href="">Pathauto</a>, <a href="">Token</a>, <a href="">Comment Notify</a> among others.</li> <li><a href="">Ezra Gildesgame</a> maintainer of <a href="">Nodequeue</a>, <a href="">Fivestar</a> and various Nodequeue and Organic Groups related modules</li> <li><a href="">Ben Jeavons</a> creater of several new modules like <a href="">Uniqueness</a>, the Drupal 7 specific <a href="">Queue UI</a> and the <a href="">Security review</a> module.</li> <li><a href="">Matt Tucker</a> who has worked on <a href="">Ominture</a>, <a href="">Admin message</a>, and the <a href="">Studio theme pack</a> in addition to various <a href="">Open Atrium snippets</a>.</li> <li><a href="">Brad Bowman</a> author of the wicked famous <a href="">YouTube API</a>.</li> </ul> <p>We'll have space for about 30 people and will also be providing snacks and lunch to keep you working happily. Funding for the libations and vittles comes from the <a href="">training we are providing on April 3rd</a>.</p> <p>If you plan on attending please leave a comment here or "signup" on the <a href=""> page</a></p> Planet Drupal contributed module d7cx sprint Wed, 17 Mar 2010 16:11:12 +0000 Greg 889 at