Growing Venture Solutions - GVS - arbitrary boundary event en Happy Birthday, Drupal! For 2010 GVS Celebrates with stamps <p>As you may know the 15th of January is the birthday of Drupal. Dries has done crafts and posts about the celebration of Drupal in the past like the <a href="">cake he made for the fifth birthday</a>). This year we decided to create some stamps for the Drupal birthday.</p> <h3>Start: Monochrome Miniature Druplicon</h3> <div style="float: left; padding: 1em;"><img src="" alt="miniature monochrome druplicon" title="miniature monochrome druplicon" /></div> <p>As web developers and designers we get spoiled by the ability to make something really big and high resolution. The world of printing and stamps is a little different: stamps can really only do one color and they don't handle thin lines very well. That's exactly what the <a href="">miniature monochrome Druplicon</a> was made for. We originally used that Druplicon for our business cards but it works perfectly for stamps as well.</p> <p><br style="clear: left" /></p> <!--break--><!--break--> <h3>Druplicon Stamps!</h3> <div style="float: right; padding: 1em;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="stamp gift box" /></a></div> <p>So, we got some stamps, some ink pads, boxes, and wrote up some nice cards to send to our clients and friends.</p> <p>The thing that's particularly cool to me about this stamp is that it shares a lot of properties with Open Source software. Open Source Software is possible, in part, because the costs of collaboration and distribution are so low. The cost to download a copy of Drupal is virtually nothing. Further, software is generally a <a href="">"non-rival" good</a>: my use and enjoyment of Drupal is not diminished when another person uses Drupal. Stamps are quite similar: stamping something new has very little cost (just the ink and your time).</p> <p>So, I hope that recipients of our stamps will put them to good use creating joy in the lives of fellow Drupal aficionados around the world and letting them enjoy the output of the stamp while you enjoy it.</p> <h3>Get your own Druplicon Stamp</h3> <p>If you are interested in a stamp we plan to bring some to Drupalcon San Francisco. They may be available for purchase in a store or we may just give them out in some way, but we'll definitely have a few extras.</p> Planet Drupal arbitrary boundary event gregorian calendar non-rival goods Fri, 15 Jan 2010 01:33:58 +0000 Greg 795 at