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Drupalcamp Colorado and Ubercamp June 27th and 28th 2009 - Registration & Session Submission Are Open

Greg's picture

I'm not much for boasting, but I will be honest: Drupalcamp Colorado is going to be amazing. You should do everything you can to attend.

the crowd at Drupalcamp Colorado 2008 by scatteredsunshine

Last year we had nearly 100 people together for DrupalCamp. This year the event is combined with an Ubercamp to gaurantee it will rock your socks off. We have space for nearly 400 people, so we hopefully won't have to cap registrations like last year. Did I mention you should come?

What the Heck is a Drupalcamp anyway?

There's some healthy debate in the community about the purpose of Drupalcamp, especially as Drupalcon becomes a bigger and more "corporate" event. One of the goals with Drupalcamp Colorado is to help provide a bit of a middle ground between the grassroots, loosely organized camps and the ultra-organized, corporate Drupalcon. Partially because the "mountain west" is so spread out and far from other places, this camp tends to be a regional event pulling in people from nearby states. We've structured it with up to 3 simultaneous tracks and plenty of space for Birds of a Feather gatherings to support everyone from new-user to hard-core designers/developers.

Registration and Session Submission Are Open

We just opened the camp site for registrations and session submissions. We've got a strong showing of Ubercart session proposals, which makes sense given that this is also an Ubercamp. Session submission is open for about the next 3 weeks. Then we'll have some time for voting, and the final list of sessions will be announced about 2 weeks before the camp itself. Already there is a solid list of compelling sessions from some great presenters.

Drupalcamp Colorado Screenshot

The beautiful site was designed by Preston So.

Sponsorship opportunities

The list of sponsors is also quickly filling up. We are excited to be sponsors of this event (along with our sponsorships of camps in Latin America).

We'll have our entire team there - I hope you'll consider attending too.

Photo Source: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3037/2711390611_18e709eb09.jpg?v=0

GVS projects

The Hyperlocal News installation profile is an "internal project" for some of the folks at GVS. Profiles are ways to bundle together Drupal, some contributed modules, and the configuration necessary to make the site actually do something cool. Users are presented with an wizard that sets up...

GVS is now part of Acquia.

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Contact Acquia if you are interested in a Drupal Support or help with any products GVS offered such as the Conference Organizing Distribution (COD).

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